Monday, 16 March 2009


Hey guys,
I emailed Mme Rivens as promised and she has posted an update about assessment on Moodle. I recommend everybody reads it! But for those of you who are on the blogs more than on Moodle (not sure who would take the time to browse my blog though!), here's a copy of the update:

I remind you that for the second semester, two elements will be taken into account for evaluation (50%-50%):
-the blogs (with the criteria announced at the beginning of the project, see earlier posts for details: content, regularity, language, presentation, etc) which will count for the language evaluation.
- the learning journal for the self-learning evaluation: it refers to everything you have done this second semester, as the blog may not be (and should not be) the only thing you have done, and as the reflexive process is essential in a self-learning environment. I will provide a questionnaire in order to help you formulate the important questions.
The final session of the 26th will be dedicated to group presentation and discussion of the blog activity (one group after the other, not in front of the whole group!).
For my research project (aiming at improving the project for future masters and at understanding pros and cons), I will ask you to answer a questionnaire online very soon. This questionnaire is not part of the assessment, it's really to have a feedback on the activity and it will be in French. Yet, I really need everyone to participate to make it meaningful.
Hope everything is clear now! Keep writing in your blogs!
Annick Rivens