Thursday, 4 December 2008


Hi! So actually this is my first ever blog - I'm sure some of you are far more experienced than me already! But I can see that it's really easy to post pictures (using the "Add Image" button)

Hong Kong skyline. This place used to be my home!

... And videos...

I used to love skating in Hong Kong - this is the main skatepark there.

This video's from YouTube - to post it, I found the video on YouTube and copied the "embed video" link into my post. The "Add Video" button gives you the opportunity to post a video which is already on your computer. If it's an internet video (like mine) then you'll need to do what I did.

But anyway you shouldn't have any problems >:-]

1 comment:


David, now I am able to comment a blog. You remember that you asked me on my blog, if I took part to a war as child soldier. I have never taken a gun, it was only a failure that had written.